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Tomatillo Plant

Brooks Garden of Learning


The garden is an outdoor classroom where students have the opportunity to enhance their understanding of what it takes to grow and maintain a vegetable garden.  At Brooks, all classes can participate in monthly lessons while getting their hands dirty through interactive, hands-on gardening activities. Students planted vegetables, watched them grow, and enjoyed the harvest during our lunch time pop-ups, which feature foods made from produce from our garden, and at Brooks Farmers Markets, where students can take produce home. 


Donations to help keep our garden thriving and our students leaning are always appreciated!

Brooks Garden Club

We are excited to announce that our Garden Club  will be happening again this year! Brooks students in Grades 3-5 are welcome to be a part of the William Brooks “Green Team!”  During after school meetings twice a month, the Green Team will work in the garden on tasks such as creating a planting plan for fall and spring, planting and harvesting, and garden maintenance. The Green Team will also participate in lunch-time pop-ups and on campus Farmers Markets.


If you or your student are interested, please contact


Farmers Market at Brooks

The first Brooks Bears organic Farmers Market on Thursday, January 26, 2023 was a huge success! Our garden is thriving and we are harvesting many delicious herbs and veggies.  We’ll be hosting several Farmers Markets throughout the year as quantity lasts and items are harvested.   We are eager to share our bounty with our school community and are looking forward to hosting more Farmers Markets!. 

Stay tuned for information on our next Farmer's Market.

Please stop by and take some home to enjoy. All produce is free; however, donations are greatly appreciated to keep our garden program running and producing for our school!

Garden Pop-ups


The garden is producing a lot this year! Students have been treated at our Garden Pop-ups, where they get to sample food made from the garden produce grown in the Brooks garden. So far they have had the chance to sample cilantro rice and kale, blueberry, orange, and swiss chard smoothies during lunch! 

The staff was treated to a quiche made with the our garden green onions, yellow onions, swiss chard, and kale.

Donations are Appreciated!

We are off to a great start this year with the Brooks School Garden!  We can't believe that Fall is just around the corner, and with that comes our Fall crops.  This means we are gearing up to have the students start planting our Fall plants.  The garden itself wouldn't be possible without the help of our families, students, and Brooks staff.  We are including sign-up opportunities to donate vegetables and produce plants for this season as well as some necessary supplies to keep the garden in great shape!  Please review the sign-up below- all of the plants listed can be found at Green Acres or a local nursery.  Monetary donations are welcome as well. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Thank you to our Sponsors!!

The Brooks Garden of Learning would not be a success without the help of our sponsors and community members who have contributed financially or thought countless hours of work. Thank you to Christy Calderon and Shelley Joyer for running our garden program and making it a great learning space for our Brooks Bears. Thank you to Raley's for providing us with a grant to help keep our garden thriving!

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