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Welcome to our Square 1 Art info page!
What is Square 1 Art?
For the past several years, Brooks has participated in the Square 1 Art program. Each student creates a piece of art, and we send them in to the Square 1 company, which then sends back a catalog to each student full of items featuring the artwork, that can be purchased through an online order form. The ordered items ship straight to homes in time to be given as holiday gifts. This is traditionally a very successful fundraiser, supporting the purchase of Brooks' art program supplies for the duration of the school year.
Most classes have an art parent volunteer who will help students complete their art in the classroom. If, however, you would like to do an additional project (if you have a preschooler you're welcome to have them do a project and sent it in!), or if your child is absent on the day the art volunteer visits, you may do a project at home on the special 8x8 Square 1 paper your teacher will provide.
What will I find on this page?
Here you will find video tutorials to use to help Brooks students participate in Square 1 Art if they were absent on the day their class did their Square 1 art project with their parent volunteer.
If you need to complete this lesson without the help of a parent volunteer, the following are links to YouTube videos that can be used to create your Square 1 project. You are also welcome to come up with your own project idea! Just remember to use bright colors, fill the whole space, and add your name and year to the artwork. Also remember that details near the edge of the paper may be cropped out by Square 1's processing, so keep the important details away from the edge.
Start here!
Tutorial Videos by Grade-Level:
K - 1st Grade:
2nd - 3rd Grade:
4th - 5th Grade:
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